Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday, Monday...

The new printer part was delivered bright and early this morning. Mr. Snippity snapped it right in, and it works! It's kind of like electricity or water just don't realize how essential it is until you cannot use it.
Speaking of Mr. Snippity...he had dental work done this morning, and is taking it easy playing Lego Star Wars on Nintendo DS (for a few hours so far...I'm not joking!) We were thinking about buying the kids a Wii for Christmas, but I'm kind of second guessing that right now ;)
My sweet baby girl (dang, she's growing up), attended her first school awards assembly this morning. All those 4 year olds were adorable. Of course, the Kindergarten was, too. But I think this little lady was the most adorable in the bunch.

I want to say congrats to this mom I know. She ran a half marathon yesterday. You Did IT!!!

That is pretty much it for my random updates for today!

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  • It takes just a moment to change your attitude. And, in that quick moment, you can change your entire day!