Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where did Tuesday go?

It seemed like a long the time. But really...where did it go? I guess I have to work extra hard to make up for all the stuff that dind't get done yesterday. My Monday was the best one I'd had in a very long time. I attribute that to the power of prayer. My meeting went well. My idea had some valid concerns brought up. So, with a little more information gathering, we'll see. Other ideas were presented, and we have one definate go-ahead to plan!

I'm itching to get my hands dirty. Literally. I plan on starting a garden this year. A 'real' one...not just a lonesome tomato in a pot left to die :) My children are old enough that I can devote some evening hours outside to work on it without stressing that they are going to get into mischief. Oh, wait...I mean they are going to get into mischief...but nothing we can't deal with. They just do not require the same level of supervison as they used to, and are quite independent. It is a happy, yet bittersweet realization!


Amy said...

Are you sprouting seeds or buying plants already sprouted? If you're going from seeds, let me know, I'm going to sprout some for my kids science project this spring and we may be able to swap instead of having to pay for all of them.

snippity1 said...

I haven't really decided yet. Probably a little of both. Sprouting for science is always a good idea!

  • It takes just a moment to change your attitude. And, in that quick moment, you can change your entire day!