Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Door off the hinges

Ok, so Princess Leia is 13. Needless to say, she knows everything. The other night she seemed to think she could be in charge of the adults. (Ha!)! She sassed me, and stormed into her room. She slammed the door. I opened it and made her close it gently. Then I made her open it, just because I said so. She told me I cannot tell her what to do with her door. We removed the door to prove our point. She did not like it. We gave it back the next day after she made nice.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is awesome! And very creative.

I remember my mom gave me my last spanking when I was 13...I looked at her and said "You're not really going to spank me, are you?" I assure you, she did!!


Amy said...

That particular one never happened to me because of what Jodi got at the age of thirteen. My parents were not the type to go through any type of nicety first. I guess by the time they got me (baby #3), they were just tired. 'course I learned lessons REALLY quickly around my house.

T-T-Tommy said...

ROFL. Nice! U took the door off? I'm saving that one for use later myself.

  • It takes just a moment to change your attitude. And, in that quick moment, you can change your entire day!