Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summa time

It is already summertime & the living is good! It is still crazy around this ranch, with so much going on.

We finished up the school year. Cinderella finished Kindergarten, Jedi Boy moves up to third grade & Princess Leia finished her middle school career! As the kids were finishing up that, Leia and I joined with other local people to do some missions work at a church in Alaska! In order to get there, we held a few fundraisers & that took up a good bit of time and energy.

I need to write some thank you notes :)

So, the trip was a blast. I'l try to write a seperate post about that. The day I came back to work, I had a couple of new kids start attending my childcare. It is pretty difficult on a first day back from a if you add in jet lag and 2 kids who are new to the program, it gets even harder! I will definately re-think those logistics if necessary in the future! We are going to miss the two who have moved on, but we are lucky that our lives will still be linked. We live in the same community and cross paths pretty often. I am excited about that :)

This week is VBS, and I get to be the snack lady again! I love it! It is messy, hot, and so fun!

I just thought all my dedicated readers (ok, 1 or 2 of you) might like to know I am still here!

1 comment:

smartbutnotwise said...

yeah i thought you got lost in cyberspace like I did lol

  • It takes just a moment to change your attitude. And, in that quick moment, you can change your entire day!