Monday, July 22, 2013

Sorted and stored

I get a ton of hand me down clothes for the youngest girl. (Totally awesome, by the way.)  The bad part is that we get them at random times, not necessarily coordinating with what size baby girl needs. Also, we have decent closets...but not enough to hold all these things. They had been piling up in our classroom/spare room. Then got shuffled to the dining room and finally to my room in random stages of sorting size and season. Today, I finally made it through them all and got them into bins in the attic! I am so happy I can see my bedroom floor again...and I should be able to find the clothes when we need them. What a relief! Not pictured are the 5 bags of things that were too small or not our taste. We pass them to another girl when we are done. So blessed!

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  • It takes just a moment to change your attitude. And, in that quick moment, you can change your entire day!