Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Yesterday was a first for my family.  Instead of sending the kiddos out to the local school, we kept them home.  Well, sort of.  We went to the dentist and doctor, and did math on the beach. 

We are officially homeschooling, and yesterday was our first day!  I decided I wanted to give the kids a memorable day for their first.  We packed our beach bag and a school bag and beat a path to the sand.  The weather was perfect, the kids were enthusiastic, and I was pleased with our first day of school.  We are running a light schedule this week, as I am still waiting for some of our materials to be delivered.  I highly recommend doing math at the beach.  The sand was our chalkboard, and the waves gave the kids great motivation to finish the work quickly!

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  • It takes just a moment to change your attitude. And, in that quick moment, you can change your entire day!